Cognates that Correlate with Commemorative Days

Cognates that Correlate with Commemorative Days

Who doesn’t love a holiday? A theme, decorations, distraction from work that needs to be done, these are things that make holidays so much fun to celebrate. These days, commemoration is granted to just about anything, which makes learning Spanish fast and easy even more exciting here at Why? If you ever wondered how cognates can relate to significant days, put that contemplation to rest and keep reading for some fun facts.

Who would have thought not wearing socks would be an act worthy of its own day? Touché if you were already aware of this holiday. Since we are not in the holiday designation business, let’s focus attention all the possiblepossible connections cognates have with commemorative days established in the recent past. Comment below if you notice a pattern among recognized days and significant events.

Spanish Cognates: International-Internacional

InternationalInternacional Children’s Book Day took place in April 3.

The actualactual U.S. flag was approved on April 4, 1818.

Venerablevenerable and influential educator Booker T. Washington would have turned 161 years old on April 5.

Unstableinestable conditions have taken a toll on the North Pole since it was first discovered 119 years ago.

Adorableadorable animals were the subject of countless memes across all social media platforms for Pet Owners Day.

Spanish Cognates: different-diferente

Is it ironyironía or serendipity that Kindergarten Day and Day of Silence occupied the same day on April 21?

Differentiablediferenciablecontexts of Morse Code are still relevant since its inception 181 years ago.

The month of May opened with a vibrant testament of perseverance with marches in celebration of InternationalInternacional Workers’ Day.

Two DifferentDiferente Colored Shoes Day honored eccentric wardrobe patterns for feet on May 3.

Spanish Cognates: garden-jardín

Public GardenJardín Day celebrates May’s flowers after April showers.

MotherMadre Ocean Day and Mothers’ Day were only days apart in the second week of May.

New Year Resolutions took a back seat on Eat What You Want Day on May 11.

Limerick Day celebrates the absolutelyabsolutamente whimsical style of Edward Lear on May 12.

MuseumMuseo Day gives a break on what could be perceived as lofty admission prices on May 18.

Spanish Cognates: museum-museo

Below is a review of more cognates that end with -ble in English and Spanish

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